Thursday, September 06, 2007

8 and counting

I realized today that Abbie has yet another tooth (now..if we could just work on that hair!). That makes a total of 8, with equal number on top and bottom. Pretty soon she is going to be ready for some prime rib!

Abbie took her first real tumble, unfortunately I don't have pictures to prove it yet. She was trying to WALK from one chair to the table and didn't go so well. At first I thought we would have to bring her to the ER, but all is well and she was fine after about 15 minutes. let me tell you, trying to apply ice (as they say to do in all the baby/toddler books in the 'first aid' section) is not at all possible on a 9 month old. What were they thinking?

"Don't laugh, I look cool in my shades! "

"Smile! He He! And give me some food!"

1 comment:

Teresa said...

such a freakin' GOOD looking kid! boy did you luck out! are you ready for a babysitter for a night (or day) so that you two can go out- dinner, movie, something?

just give me a jingle! haha, seriously thou.. i'm game!

oh and i got a job- start monday! part time for now during training (month or so) then 3/4 to full. i'll explain more later!

oh yeah and the foursome!!! we gotta do that, i'll buy the steaks if we use your grill?