Monday, May 14, 2007

5 months, Hot Weather, Back to Work, Mother's Day, Start of Daycare

WOW! It has been a crazy couple of weeks. I went back to work last week, which is going far (still hoping that a really sweet Part-Time job will pop-up and this will all end, but probably won't happen anytime soon..if ever). Grandma Ellen came into town on Thursday and Friday to babysit Abbie and she had a blast.

Abbie having a blast in our backyard!

Abbie started daycare this morning, it was only a half day to ease my transition! The ladies said that she was a good happy baby and had a blast. She is sleeping right now and I am enjoying the quiet. I don't know what is up with this crazy HOT weather, but it doesn't seem to bother Abbie! Today it is going to be in the low 90's. We broke down and turned on the's way to early for that!Rollover-Rollover

Abbie is now rolling over from her back to her front and she will NOT stay on her back for any length of time! It is quite funny until she gets so tired and frustrated. For some reason she hasn't 'remembered' that she can roll over from her front to back! What a doll!Just chillin' in my stroller.

Abbie also had rice cereal for the first time. She really hasn't gotten the hang of it, but we're working on it. She is definitely a funny eater!

I guess that's a thumbs down on the rice cereal.

My 1st Mother's Day was pretty low key. We just went to a local park and hung out most of the day, but it was special and I had a good time.

Until later,

Sarah, Ed and Abbie

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