Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life with a Preschooler!

Life with a preschooler has been fun, rewarding, and an interesting experience all wrapped into one! We thought we would go stir crazy this winter but actually it has been great. Abbie has grown up so much in the past several months. She loves to play games - Candy Land, The Ladybug Game, and Don't Break the Ice - are her favorites.

Abbie has also been taking swimming lessons and we just signed up for her first Tumbling class!

Ready or not, here I come!
Since Ed has been taking so many pictures with his new lenses, we thought we'd turn the tables around and gave Abbie her first camera for Christmas. Thankfully, this little gem is virtually break/waterproof. Abbie has been taking pictures regularly for a few months now and I will post a "Life According to Abbie" picture post shortly! This should be interesting!

Abbie loves that she can take her camera anywhere, even the Bloomington Nature Center!
Abbie has also been exploring the world of dress up! As you can tell, playing "Doctor" is one of her favorite activities! instead of using fake instruments, we decided to give in and purchase a dress up set including a stethoscope, otoscope, and many others thingys that have very long/complicated names!
Let me listen you your heart, please.

Looking forward to this spring where Abbie is bound to love the great outdoors, just like her Papa!