Monday, December 29, 2008

2 Year Update

Are you ready....for tickle time?

First the 2 year update -

Weight - 26 lbs
Height - 33 inches
Just below the 50th percentile for both!

Off the charts for verbal and social skills! - No surprise there!

It has been a busy couple of weeks at the Baggenstoss Household. All of the excitement has caught up with Abbie...can't you tell?

Now where are we going?
Abbie started a new school on Monday 22nd and she has been doing very well with the adjustment. The new school is much closer to our house so it will be easy for both of us to drop off/pick-up. We are really excited that she is doing so well with this transition so far as we were quite concerned.
Abbie has been handling the excitement of the holidays fairly well with the exception being this past Saturday where she had her first real temper tantrum in public which happened at our favorite local restaurant during breakfast with the Sundstrom Grandparents. Needless to say not everyone was able to finish their meal at the restaurant! Instead of going downtown to visit the old Dayton's auditorium to see the holiday exhibit, we ended up staying at our house to try to have a quieter afternoon.
This proved to be a good idea since Grandpa Sundstrom and Mama ended up putting together Abbie's kitchen! And you thought that Ikea furniture was challenging!
We are working on sending out Thank you Cards, but also wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of the great Birthday and Christmas presents. Abbie received loads of hats/mittens and clothes that was greatly needed since she is going through a growing spurt which has suddenly made her pants extremely short (both silly looking and cold in this crappy weather we are having!).
Thank you Great Aunt Amy!

Happy New Year! See you all in 2009!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A new year brings a new haircut and love of Pigtails!

I'm gonna put pigtails on this girl, too!

Abbie had a great birthday party and enjoyed spending time with all of her grandparents, Uncle Mike, Aunt Kris and Uncle Bill. She loves playing with her new toys and the doodle board is a great invention.

Yesterday we decided to ring in her new year with a new haircut. Abbie didn't cry or fuss during the entire haircut (ok, it only lasted about 6 minutes but still!) and the stylist gave Abbie her first ever set of Pigtails. Needless to say, Abbie doesn't want to wear a hat, put on a bib, or take them out at bedtime. Funny, I've been trying to get her to wear something in her hair for months!

More to come...Abbie starts a new school next week (12/22).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Feeling Better for a Much Needed Update

We are finally starting to feel a little bit better in the Baggenstoss Household.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Developmental Milestones!

I wasn't sure up until now if I was going to be one of 'those' moms that blogs about everything their child. I have also been tempted to discuss topics other than Abbie, but decided that would probably not be a wise decision (mainly because I am not well educated in the topics and would just sound like a moron). Here are the topics that I have decided are off limits on this blog:

  • politics (GO VOTE, TUESDAY, NOV 4th!!!)

  • the Green movement (Method is my new favorite brand and not to mention California Baby, now if we could just find Seventh Generation and/or Nature's Babycare diapers in more stores in the Twin Cities, that'd be great)

  • how much working full time and going to school full time - along with the fact that Ed is still struggling with the function of his right hand (he was in a minor motorcycle accident a few weeks ago, but is ok!) - really is the pits

But I have decided that I will discuss in detail the highlights of potty training. Abbie took her first step in that direction and went peepee (ok, urinated) in her little potty for the first time last night! :-) Ed's response was, "Oh, what a perfect topic for a new blog entry." We clapped and cheered, but all she wanted to do was clean out her little potty because it was wet! She doesn't understand the concept of 'wiping' in this context! How funny!

Here are a few pictures of some other milestones that Abbie has reached over the past week or so.....

Abbie is 'reading' on her own....

and singing "Twinkle, Twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are?"

"Up above the world so high..."

What a cutie pie!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Fall Activities

Oh my Gosh!

Papa, Can I eat this apple?


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunday at Como Park Zoo

Last Sunday we decided to take advantage of the gloomy weather and the first Sunday Vikings football game and go to the Como Park Zoo. We thought it would be less crowded. Well. We were wrong. The zoo was as crowded, but Abbie still had a blast.

Most of the animals were sleeping when we arrived shortly after breakfast, but the Giraffe's were wide awake and Abbie had a blast trying to imitate their long necks.

These aren't real Giraffe's

We got home just in time for Abbie to take a long nap and watch the Vikings loose.

It started to rain right after Abbie woke up so we lounged around that afternoon watching Little Bear, a little bit of football, and being entertained by a silly Abbie (our favorite cloudy day activity).

Huh, I missed the chair!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

First Haircut!

As promised here is a few pictures of Abbie's first haircut. It was crowded when we arrived at Kid's Hair.
Before the haircut...definitely time to trim those bangs!
I was a bit nervous that Abbie would freak out at the sight of 6 or so other kids getting their hair done, but she sat at the table in the waiting area coloring quietly. Then her name was called. She perked up right away, but once she got in the chair...she wailed the whole time!

She cried and cried and cried the whole entire time, but as soon as she saw herself in the mirror and was out of that chair...she was fine! All giggles and smiles as usual! Thankfully there lacked kicking and flailing during her screaming, so the haircut itself lasted less then 10 minutes!

We decided to stop by the playground at Longfellow School, which Abbie had a blast!

Long day..I'm tired!

Abbie's little crop haircut - too cute!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

End of Summer

Well - summer is officially coming to a close. That was evident with the chilling 52 degrees we woke up to this morning. Abbie went to school in jeans and a sweatshirt and looked cute as a button. I began thinking of what it will be like on her first 'real' day of school and how it seems so far away yet right around the corner.

Abbie has hit some pretty big milestones lately. She has been drinking from a cup - no lid with quite good results, speaking in 4-5 word sentences quite regularly (telling everyone she sees "You are so funny!"), and actually enjoying the swings and slides at the playground!

One thing Abbie isn't getting used to is dirty hands - Oh - Kate Gosselin would be proud!

Abbie should be getting her first professional haircut soon! My attempts at bang trims are starting to look pretty pathetic. Stay tuned...I'll post pictures..I promise!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Summa Time!

We've had a busy summer full of heat, humidity, sprinkler play, travel, drama, dancing, manners, fun outings, and SWINGS!

I know I have neglected the blog a bit as of late, however we have been very busy. Abbie is now speaking in 2, 3 or 4 word sentences. One of her favorites is "I got it!" She is also learning manners and consistently says her 'please' and 'thank-yous', which is just too cute.

Abbie also has an uncanny ability to ask something in a voice that is just a little bit incomprehensible. She repeats herself until you finally repeat what she is asking - of course in a form of a question - "Do you want some yogurt?" Which Abbie replies with "OK", in such a tone that makes you believe that you actually had the idea in the first place. Pretty smart that girl!
Abbie loves to sit in her highchair and look out the window - especially when Papa is watering the lawn.

Papa wants Abbie to play the Tuba - I think she has other ideas.

Abbie is not a big fan of the sprinkler, but she doesn't mind the hose...thankfully hasn't figured out how to get others wet...yet!

Relaxing on the hammock with Papa.

Minnehaha Falls - 'Walkerfall!'

Abbie had a blast with her Sundstrom Grandparents at Minnehaha park, even in the sweltering heat. We ate at Se Salt and Abbie ate all of her fish! She definitely takes after her papa!

Catch me if you can!

Hope you are all having a great summer. Another update soon....hopefully!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Found Independence

It's official. Abbie has hit the terrible two's. Yes, slightly early, but right in sync with the rest of her developmental milestones to date. She has become very independent and needs to do everything on her own with the exception of bathing, clothing, and diapering herself. I am sure those are not far behind (yippee...potty training begins!).

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

18 month update

Abbie went to the Pediatrician today. It was pretty uneventfully - no shots!

23 lbs
31 inches

50th-ish Percentile for both.

Average. How exciting.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I has been awhile...

I know, I know, I has been awhile. And when I say that things really haven't changed much around here, that really isn't true! The only thing that remains constant is the time Abbie goes to be every night - between 5:30pm and 6:15pm - like clock work and regardless of what else is going on in the wold. Id doesn't matter that the Severe Weather Sirens are bearing or that the neighbors kids are having a water fight in the alley, Abbie will sleep right through all of the commotion.
The only exception to the rule (thus far) was several weeks ago when Abbie made it through her school's 'program' without a major meltdown. Ed and I were very nervous for said program because it began at 6pm, which if you were paying close attention, is right at her bedtime. We debated if we should even allow Abbie to attend this event because it was going to be so late at night, but we decided live dangerously and let her 'perform' with her friends.
The program consisted of 13 minutes and 43 seconds of the kids all lined up on stage with somewhat blank stares on their faces while their teachers sang their songs very loudly in the back ground. Nothing exciting happened. Thankfully. It was fairly boring, but entertaining at some level (ok, was only slightly amusing if it was your kid up there!). We won't bore you with the video, but here is a picture -

"I really am the shortest kid in the class."

The only other exciting thing is that Abbie's vocabulary has EXPLODED over the past few weeks. Yesterday on the way home, Abbie saw a man on a bicycle and she said to me "I wanna Bike." ( wasn't with the best annunciation, but she did say those three words in sentence form). I was flabbergasted. I didn't even know that she knew what a bike was, much less ask for one! Unfortunately, I don't think they make bikes and bike helmets to fit her..she is so darn short! I keep waiting for her 18 month growth will arrive at just the same time as her hair -poor girl!

This past weekend Ed took Abbie to La Crosse to visit Grandparents Ellen and Steve while I stayed home to finish on a paper for school and do some much needed projects around the house. She had fun. I did not, but we both survived being way from one another and it was a good trail run before we go on our vacation next week.

Showing off my marching skills. Just wait until I do the 'Funky Chicken'.

"Here we go again. Papa's idea of amusement."

"Ahh..Magic Mountain, here I come!"

Aren't we cute! Grandpa Steve, Grandma Ellen, Sophie and Abbie.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Anyone say slide?

Plastic Slide - $10

Worth every penny.

Need I say more?

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Night Terrors

Well, things have been going smoothly here at the Baggenstoss Household. Abbie moved into the Toddler room at daycare and she is doing well. The teachers love her and she is doing well with the transition. Unfortunately, she has been exposed to a whole new set of germs which is reeking havoc in our household - enough said.

Not only has Abbie had a few colds over the past few weeks, but she has also decided to get her 2-year molars early (why does she have to get all of her teeth so EARLY!). Unfortunately pushing through a new set of molars on top of having (what we now believe) were night terrors, this past weekend was much more stressful than we had imagined. For those of you who have not experienced night terrors, I hope you never have to in the future. Abbie cried so hard, long, and was so erratic that we actually debated calling 911 (if our house hadn't been MAC updated, we are convinced that the neighbors would probably have done it for us).

Thankfully a new week has begun and Abbie seems to be back to her normal self, going to bed early and sleeping though the night without a peep. (Hallelujah!)

"I get to play outside...finally!"

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Lots and Lots of Updates

First I have to apologize for not updating this blog for quite some time. I (Sarah) have recently began graduate school! YIPPEEE! I am attending Minnesota School of Business pursing an MBA degree. We decided that since Abbie goes to bed between 5:30pm and 6:30pm each night, now is probably a good time to take on this grand adventure.

So they think this is a good idea, huh?

Other than that, things have been pretty quiet. Well...except for the fact that -

  • Abbie must only wear big girl shoes
  • We finally bought Abbie her own chair (about time Mom and Dad)

  • Followed by purchasing her own table and chair set. All of a sudden the house seems filled with toys!
  • Abbie has constant bad hair days - I just don't want to cut it! It has taken 16 months to get this long!
  • You thought they were kidding, didn't you?

  • Abbie has her first 'boy-friend' to whom she does not actually interact with him but she also doesn't want to be 5 inches from him when he is around (yes, that's a toy G-U-N, but don't tell anyone, especially Sarah. Abbie is a 'Protecting Minneapolis - One Park at a Time'

  • Abbie FINALLY had an enjoyable time on the swings at the park (after months of trying to convince her it really was fun, her 'boy-friend' convinced her by laughing at his own enjoyment - I swear! If Bry likes it than Abbie will too!)

  • Abbie kind had fun playing in the sand - Ed is so proud!

I promise that I will continue to update this blog...Maybe Ed will even add a post or two.