Friday, September 15, 2006

Your Guess....

For those of you who don't know the sex of the baby (heck even if you do..they could be wrong!), wanna guess? Add your comments to this post! I am curious what people think....

Baby's Room

Well...we've finally done it. The baby's room is painted and the floor has been re-finished. What a mess that all was. Here is an after picture of the room before any of the 'stuff' was put in. Right now it looks like a disaster area because we were able to put the Crib together (why do they give you directions that are extremely complicated, especially when it is mostly put together and all you have to really do is put the sides together with four simple bolts..ahhh!), but we were unable to put the changing table together because the box did not contain Directions or Hardware. Great! So we are just waiting for the manufacturer to send us the biggie we have time! Other than that the baby's been kicking regularly and I passed my Glucose tolerance test! More to come...Stay tuned. 11 weeks to go...